Why More Fruit Should be on Your Wedding Menu

Are you ready to look up DC Car Service Near me and get your wedding started? Have you thought much about your wedding menu? Consider adding fresh fruit to the menu, we’ll tell you why.

Planning a wedding can be stressful, from booking DC Car Service to finding the perfect dress, often people find themselves mentally exhausted from planning, worrying, and trying to fit everything into a time schedule. Others seem to enjoy the planning phase and are not as bogged down with stress, however, they are still running around trying to take care of everything and may be ignoring when their body says that it needs a break. That is one more reason that fruit should be on your wedding menu. Guests may also be ran down from hours of driving; you can build the body and mind back up with antioxidant filled fruits like: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, oranges, kiwis, clementines, and cherries.

Do you want to look your best in your wedding photos? Fruit improves skin complexion, especially when combined with a meal high in omega fatty acids found abundantly in nuts and fish. Eating more fruit can prevent and even reverse oxidation caused by the environment that causes premature aging of the skin.

Book Airport Car Service DC and feel your best after having a healthy dose of sugar. Unlike sugars paired up with empty calories and lots of saturated fats found in candy and junk food, you can lose weight and feel and look healthier by getting your sugar fix from fruit instead.

Other reasons you should eat more fruit on your wedding day:
Disease prevention
Eye health
Elimination of internal toxins
High in nutrients and minerals
Stabilizes PH levels in the body

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SOURCE: https://carservicedc01.blogspot.com/2018/11/why-more-fruit-should-be-on-your.html